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Creative Techniques for Polymer Clay Jewellery

Creative Techniques for Polymer Clay Jewellery


Nanetta Bananto

Like a lot of you, I have quite a few polymer clay books now, so trying to choose which one to review could have taken a while. So, I decided to make it easy for myself, and write about my first ever Polymer Clay book.


I had just met Ange Smith, and she had shown me an amazing Polymer Clay book, (Polymer Clay Creative Traditions by Judy Belcher). I rushed straight home and bought it off Amazon (other retailers are available). Loved it immediately. Showed it to Ange next time we met, who said, “err, that isn’t the same book”. But do you know what, I am very glad I made that mistake, because for me, this book was brilliant for a beginner, and someone like me, who was drawn to cane work right from the start.


The book features over 40 projects and ideas, but starts with an overall introduction and runs through all the tools you need. Perfect for a beginner.


It then moves onto the basic techniques, marbling and the Skinner Blend, before giving useful suggestions for a colour palette. Only a page on each, but enough to give you what you need.


The next section deals with simple canes, again not a lot of written information, but for someone who wants an insight into initial cane work, it includes all the basic canes you will need, such things as ribbon, leaf, star, crackle, spiral, rose and stripe canes.


Then come the projects, all simple, all well explained, no overload of information and words, but enough that you know what to do and when. Each project uses different techniques, and I must admit, having not looked at this book in a while, when you look at it again, you realise there really are some good projects in here.


But I think for me it was the colours in this book, and to be honest the colours of the polymer clay that initially attracted me and have kept me hooked on the medium since.


So, in summary, this is a simple techniques book, with basic instructions, good quality pictures, and some really fun projects to make. I would recommend it for both beginners and those who want to improve on their basic cane work skills and get some good project ideas.


First published in 2005 it certainly is not a new book, and may not be easy to get hold of, although I have just found it for sale (used copy for only a couple of pounds) but I definitely think it is one that has stood the test of time.


P.S. Needless to say I immediately purchased the Judy Belcher book too, and so began my Polymer Clay Library...……

Reviewed by Fiona Able-Smith

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